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Price: $37.00
| Aloe Vera - Known since 1553 B.C. for its beneficial qualities. Used widely for burns because of its healing ability. In 1939, the American Medical Association Journal reported aloe vera healing properties in ulcerative dermatitis and skin disorders. In 1947, T. C. Barnes stated that wounds healed one-third more rapidly using aloe vera than any other healing agent. Aloe vera contains over one hundred components beneficial for healing. In the 1950’s the Atomic Energy Commission reported that aloe vera aided in healing radiation burns. In 1956-57, two Russians, S. Levension and K. Sonora, showed that aloe vera kills microorganisms, helps control gum disease, and helps eliminate inflammation after tooth extraction.
Sorbitol - A soothing, sweetening agent. It is often used as a replacement for glycerin in mouthwashes. It makes water wetter and is derived from leaves of mountain ash.
Xylitol - Used as a sweetener. Beneficial in preventing dental decay and in the control of dental plaque.
Sodium Chlorite - Antibacterial and works in conjunction with aloe vera. Used for taste and odor control in drinking water. For years this ingredient has been used to control bacteria.
NAtuiral Flavoring - Natural flavoring not artificial.
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